
Over the last several months, I’ve sat in Miss Jenny’s classroom.  The A-Z approach for building a new blog post each week is Jim-dandy fun. I look forward to creating and participating in her meme.  Sometimes, I find it rather challenging.

One thing, I admired about many of my classmates is the number of poets among us. This is something I long to do but honestly I have very little experience with piecing words together in a sing-song fashion.  Is poetry always rhyming?

Today this changes. I present my début poem titled, Yesterday.


©2011 Cathy Kennedy

Yesterday hopping from blog to blog
The mileage I did log
Across cyberspace I went

Greeting old friends

Meeting new ones

Yesterday sharing a cup of coffee
A few laughs over something funny
Sometimes I felt sad over a post I read
In prayer, I humbly lowered my head

Yesterday a piece of history
A little like a mystery
Where only in my mind
No one else can find
The moments of pleasure
Ingrained like a treasure

Yesterday has passed
The time did not last
But, oh what a blast!
Now, is it forgotten?
Forgotten not,
A new day rocks!

There is more time for…
Blog hopping…
Cyberspace logging…
Coffee sipping…
Friend meeting…

Yesterday did not melt away
It only turned into today!


My skin is thick so feel free to critique or shred it apart like a lion. My heart has yearned to make a serious stab at poetry but hasn’t found the inspirational words within until now for some reason. What do you think of my first attempt? Any hints of how I may grow?

Earlier in the week, I wrote Scenic Drive Photos, Krispy Kreme, Sam’s Club, & Promo Review Blogging. In this post, I had asked questions about the how-tos on some of my future goals. Today, I would like to invite you to participate in Amanda’s weekly meme…

I am linking up with her today, as I relaunch two of my questions:

  1. How do you get promotional activity for pay on your blog? Such as in product reviews and/or giveaways.
  2. Do you know first hand or someone who is earning substantial money doing this sort of thing?

The Internet is a fabulous tool for putting yourself out there without having to really leave your home to work.  For some blogging is a wonderful platform to gain employment.  I hope to broaden my writing and other creative talents through different avenues. Your advice is valuable to me, feel free to offer a little or a lot. After all, aren’t we friends here?

My family and I are praying for the family of Steve Jobs, co-founder & former CEO of Apple in his passing. Will you please join us? Thank-you!



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