Tag: star spangled banner
July 02, 2018
Monday's Music Moves Me
Stars & Stripes America
Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! What happened to June? I mean, one minute it was here and the next POOF!…
July 01, 2015
Battle of the Bands
BOTB Star Spangled Banner Showdown ~ Spirit VS Madison Rising
I thought it was only fitting for July 1st edition of BOTB to celebrate and honor our country’s hard fight…
June 30, 2015
Wordless Wednesday
Happy Birthday, America!
Hello, kittens & dawgs! Here we are in the 7th month of 2015. Our nation’s birthday is just around the…
July 04, 2012
Wayback Wednesday
Happy Birthday America!
In honor of our nations birthday, let’s take a little look at some…
July 01, 2012
Monday's Music Moves Me
Patriotic Rock N’ Roll America
Welcome to the 96th edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me and the kick off to our grand Gala Giveaway promo!…