
24-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: smoky mountains

The Smoky Mountains

I created a desktop wallpaper to share with y’all.  I found an orphaned image that I doodled up using an…

Far Away TAD

Rain’s prompt this week is “Far Away”.  The furthest away from home we’ve been is Lubec, Maine roughly 1268-1372 miles.…

A successful, fulfilled hodgepodge with music and mountain wildlife

Let’s start hump day with some music.  I’m joining Mary for this week’s WSC.  “American Woman” (song title with a…

1999 picture memories of Perseid Meteor Shower & sunrise hike to Clingmans Dome summit with this week’s ‘Night Scene’ #art sketch

A good portion of my summer spent tucked indoors because of the pandemic I put to good use. I took…

Turning Around For Me #VashawnMitchell

TURNING AROUND FOR ME Sometimes discouraged but not defeated.Cast down but not destroyedThere’re times I don’t understandBut I believe it’s…
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