Skywatch Friday Painted Sky

This week has been gorgeous, kittens and dawgs! In fact, it’s been so NICE that I found myself outdoors a lot and once again I neglected my responsibilities in Blogosphere. Shame on Cathy!

You’re the best and I know you can’t fault me for taking advantage of soaking up a little sunshine. Today, I’m borrowing from my archives and am sharing another beautiful sunset.

Painted Sky over Fort Loudon Lake (c)2012
Fort Loudon Lake in Farragut (just outside of Knoxville), Tennessee.

I couldn’t resist using the same image in Brustrokes. I REALLY like this cool app! Now I can say, here’s a painted sky. lol

Brushstroke App creation Painted Sky (c)2016 Cathy Kennedy
Painted Sky creation

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

I’m sharing my photo-art with the SWF team and s-A(R)T-urday.  Now, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I’m celebrating…

  • the return of spring-like weather. Nature might be teasing us, but I’m so lovin’ it!
  • the return of DST. YAY! I’ve already notice the daylight extending a little each day, so the time change will be a nice boost. I wish it was always on DST, don’t you?
  • finding out when I went for my quarterly Sotopelle insert (Hormone Replacement Therapy) appointment that I had a ninety dollar credit on my account. 🙂
  • getting my HRT taken care of. I really needed the boost to ease pesky menopause symptoms.

What are you celebrating?

Join the party below!

Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

I am participating in the A-Z April blog challenge. Starting next week running through the end of April this regularly hop will double with my mid-week post. That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back for Monday’s Music Moves Me.  Until next time, have a fototastic weekend!

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