Little Switzerland, North Carolina

Hello, kittens & dawgs! I’m so glad you included in your day. On Wednesday, I shared another look at Wiseman’s View. Well, that same we got on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Linville Falls; our destination Mount Mitchell, but that’s for another time. Today, I want to take you to community of Little Switzerland.

You can find lodging along the Blue Ridge Parkway at the beautiful, old-world charm of Little Switzerland Inn. Be sure to check out the link of this place. There are more pictures of the inn that you’ll like seeing.

We have visited the Little Switzerland Inn many times over the years, but never stayed there. I have this place on my Dream List for a wonderful relaxing weekend getaway someday. I can imagine sitting quietly in one of the Adirondack style rockers with a cup of coffee soaking up a gorgeous sunrise or sunset.

This is the view I would see…

SWF 5-19-2016 View from Little Switzerland Apr 2016 DSC_6241
I’m sharing these views with the global community Skywatch Friday and I invite you to see what other photo enthusiasts are sharing today.

The clouds look a bit ominous with a gentle nippy wind caressing our skin. Soon after I snapped this picture the rain began falling softly on us scattering us to the car.

What view is in your camera’s eye? Do you like exploring new places?

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

Now, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I’m celebrating… life in general. The blessings of another day is a gift. I’m in good health except for allergies and we’re still living in a place we love that we truly enjoy. All these things are worth celebrating!

What are you celebrating?

Join the party below!

Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

That’s a wrap for now, but come back Monday for Mewsic Moves Me and to see if your artist choice for my May 15th Battle of the Bands won. That means you still have time to vote! 😉 Have a fototastic weekend!

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