Rainbow over Asheville, NC

It must have been a sign from God. What do you think? ~Photographed with my iPhone 5s~

And, yes we got donuts. That was the whole reason why we stopped. It wasn’t until after we pulled into the parking lot that we noticed the double rainbow. We even joked it was a sign from God for us to get donuts.

What sky views are you enjoying?

For more fabulous sky shots with the SWF team and photo enthusiasts across the net.

It’s time for Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • Being able to not only see a rainbow for the first time in a long while, but the chance to capture it. (There was a double bow, but the second one faded before snapping this shot.)
  • Simple pleasures like the taste of Hot Ones from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
  • Day trips spent in the mountains.
  • Living close enough to visit to the mountains making said day trips possible when its convenient for us.
  • The weather ~ rain or shine because no matter what’s it’s doing it creates a total unique experience every time we’re in the mountains.

We should celebrate life even when it seems like there is no reason, just look around…I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like to dance then I invite you to hop over for Monday’s Music Moves Me. Thanks for visiting. I’ll be by your place soon. Until we meet on the other side of the lens, have a fototastic day!



~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

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