Skywatch Friday Mabry Mill in the fall

It’s interesting. I called the visitors center the Thursday before last asking about the colors along the Blue Ridge Parkway; the person on the phone said, “We expect this weekend to be at peak or early next week.” I couldn’t help question, to myself, the validity of what of this person’s words.

We got to return to Mabry Mill, like I wanted.
Mabry Mill on BRP in southern Virginia, approx mile marker 177

Clearly, you can see most trees in this image are naked and the colors visible are past peek. We were mildly disappointed at first, but it was a gorgeous day ~ lots of blue sky and sun. The good news is as we traveled south on the parkway the colors were quite nice and we were thankful that we took the gamble to revisit this stretch of the parkway.

How is your sky view shaping up today?

Join other Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts, here.

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~



It’s time for Celebrate the small things with Lexa!

I celebrate….

  • our local utility company discovering a problem with our drain while replacing the city lines in our neighborhood recently.
  • finally getting a plumber to our home to clear said “drain”.
  • that the drain problem wasn’t any worse than it was, which kept our cost down. YAY!
  • that we are debt-free at a time like this taking away a lot worry while DH looks for a new job.
  • DD#2 getting a gently used 2006 Honda Accord from Carmax. It looks almost like new vehicle.

God is awesome! Celebrate life, even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good in your life worthy to say thanks or yeah, I’m doing alright. What are you celebrating?

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now. I invite you to hit the dance floor with me on Monday’s Music Moves Me. Thanks for visiting. Until we meet on the other side of the lens, have a fototastic day!


Calling all music lovers! If you missed voting in my last installment of BoTB, then it’s not too late. The deadline is midnight tomorrow; I invite you to join the fun, here.


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