Hello Kittens and dawgs! I’m feeling pretty good with the way things went down in last week’s presidential election. I can tell you a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders, too.
In today’s BoTB edition, I’m going to throw two different victory songs at you and ask you to pick the one that best describes how you feel.
Ok, here’s the drill. Voting is open to everyone visiting. There is NO wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote. You can start by telling me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional).
Who gets your vote, the theme song from Rocky, Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti or the theme song from Chariots of Fire by Vangelis?
The fun continues with more epic battles underway and I invite you to visit the official manager of BoTB, Stephen for the update list of players.
Thanks for stopping by and you’re invited to join me tomorrow for Not-so Wordless Wednesday.
Have a songtastic day!