• Battle of the Bands

    BOTB results for My ‘Mama’ Is Better Than Yours Showdown

    Howdy-hi! I’m MIA in Blogosphere on the weekends so I will get to the heart of today’s topic the outcome in last week’s “My ‘Mama’ is better than yours BOTB Showdown“.  I asked y’all to listen to three different “Mama” song titles by three different artists.  The battle was primarily between the two male artists but the gal took a few votes. After the dust settled the battle was fairly tight a 8-6-2 split with BJ Thomas winning the knockout! Here’s the vote breakdown… ⭐️ BJ:  Stephen, Mike, John, Brian, Mary, Sandee, Lee, and Diedre ⭐️ Roy: Patrick, Birgit, Eugenia,…