Tag: recipe
September 03, 2021
Friday Fun Stuff, Recipes
Friday Fun Stuff Sept 3rd Edition
I’ve restructured how I’m doing things on Fridays. I decided to split my Friday Funnies (formerly Friday Sillies) into its…
May 13, 2021
Thursday Art Date
A cookie for each hand
Howdy, hi! When our first daughter was little she would always had to have a cracker in each hand. A…
May 06, 2021
Recipes, Thursday Art Date
Which would you rather have cake in the house or by the ocean?
Cake by the Ocean is too risque, I think I’d rather have cake in the house. Cake by the ocean…
April 05, 2021
Monday's Music Moves Me
The Best of Yazoo & Top 40 hits from 1957
Hello, I’m so happy to see you today! What brings you by? If you’re a fellow A2Zer, then you’ll find…
February 17, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
Music, Q&A, and Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies
Are you here for the music, Wednesday Hodgepodge, Wordless or Wild Wednesdays hook up? What ever brings you by today,…