Hump day Q&A and music

This is the first entry to IWSG in many years and hopefully I can play along each month from here out.  For those unfamiliar with the monthly hop, it’s done the first Wednesday of the new month and a question is posted for members to use.  On this day, February 3rd, the question is – Blogging is often more than just sharing stories.  It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships.  Have you made any friends through the Blogosphere? 

Absolutely!  Friendship was an unexpected but delightful benefit I discovered in my nearly 11-year blogging journey.  I actually have a lovely community of friends who touch in with me regularly and I try to do the same.  If I’m honest they are far better than I am at it, but the good thing is they keep me on track.  😊   One good friend is Lee from Tossing It Out.  It’s his participation in this monthly meme that silently prodded me to get involved again.  As I mentioned years ago I gave this a try, but I felt I didn’t belong.   I thought the group was for those who were more serious writers, as in established or hopeful authors.  That sure isn’t me with only one self-published children’s story and no motivation to do another.  However, reading the monthly questions on Lee’s blog I begin to feel connected.  That’s when I realized that perhaps I sold myself short by not playing along.  Lee is one example of many good friends.   If you read through my comments on any given day chances are you’ll see the same friends from the day before.  I’m honored to count each person who enters my life each morning with their morning coffee to enjoy my musings, music, photos, doodles, or giggles and I hope to continue building on these friendships while making new ones.   Keep your fingers crossed that I don’t forget to return next month.   😉




Moving along on this chilly Wednesday morning, I’m joining Mary from JingleJangleJungle in her mid-week song challenge where she shares three random prompts inspiring us to build a mini-playlist.  Sounds fun, right?  Anything related to music gets me going. This time I decided to use the first songs that came to mind and this is what I came up with!

Songs on playlist:

  1. Hooked on a Feeling ~Blue Swede (a feeling)
  2. Strawberry Fields Forever ~The Beatles (a fruit)
  3. Popeye the Sailor Man ~Robin Williams (a vegetable)



Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day in the US of A. Tell us about one day you wouldn’t mind living over again, and why you chose that day. Honestly,  I don’t know if there is one day that I would want to live over and over again. 
2. Something you know beyond a ‘shadow of a doubt’?  The thing I know beyond a shadow of doubt is where I’ll spend eternity.
3. Give us an example of history repeating itself in some way, in your own life or the lives of your children.  History repeats itself through our children, maybe not exactly, but the struggles each of us must learn to find our way.  Most of us fail to listen to those who’ve gone down a similar path because if we did then we wouldn’t fail.  
4. Snowed under, snow job, not a snowball’s chance, snowbird, on thin ice, snug as a bug in a rug, tip of the iceberg, snowball effect, run hot and cold….choose a wintry idiom and tell us how it best applies to your life right now.  I guess the best wintry idiom that describes me is ‘snug as a bug in a rug’.  Okay, right now I’m not super snugly because it’s so blooming cold this morning (yesterday) and it takes forever for our house to warm up. But compared to the homeless then I am quite cozy by comparison.  My heart aches for those who live outdoors.  I often say a silent prayer for these individuals. 
5. Your favorite sign of spring? My favorite sign of spring is first sight of tree buds beginning to form.  I know warmer weather is imminent with all things nice that follows – blooming flowers, birds singing, careful sunny days,…. need I say more?
6. Insert your own random thought here.  In 1989, DH and I went to Boothbay Harbor, Maine for our 10th wedding anniversary with our 11-month old daughter.  It was an awesome family/anniversary get-away.  One of the most memorable things is photographing Pemaquid Point Light at night.   I shot this with my old Nikon FG20 35mm SLR camera with Kodachrome print film.  Do you remember those days of wait to see if you got anything good or not?  This image I scanned from 8×10 print that I had made years ago.  Scanning picks up every minuet dust particle which drives me insane.  Thankfully, I can brush the specks away using Pixelmator Pro.  While touching it up, I adjusted the exposure.  Over time a print, even if it’s kept in the dark breaks down and doesn’t look good after awhile.  This didn’t turn out too shabby, though.

Join my #WildWednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! The concept for this mid-week blog hop was conceived as I found myself moving farther away from photography and more toward art. Of course, that’s not what this party is about. You’re invited to share anything – artwork, DIY projects, photos, music, musings, randomness, recipes, and more! 

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

[tweetthis]#WildWednesdays the linky party where just about anything goes is now open. Promote your favorite post! #photography #music #musings #creativewriting #art[/tweetthis]

Last night we watched the virtual festivities at Gobblers Knob.  What a hoot! I’d love to go that shindig someday.   I’m sure you know by now that Punxsy Phil says we’re in for six more weeks of winter. 

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain.   Thanks for joining me today.  Stay safe, be well, and have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

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