Tag: pop
October 15, 2015
Battle of the Bands
Superstition BOTB showdown
It’s mid-October and you know what that means, kittens and dawgs, don’t cha? It’s time for round 2 of Battle…
August 15, 2015
Battle of the Bands
BOTB Sugar, Sugar showdown
This little meme is the brain child of Fae from Far Away Series and thanks to Stephen McCarthy from STMcCP,…
May 16, 2015
Saturday Songsuasion
3-for-1 Saturday Special: Songsuasion/Sillies & s-ART-urday Westlife
Originally signed by Simon Cowell, the Irish boy band ~ Westlife sold more than 50 million records worldwide, but never…
March 14, 2015
Saturday Songsuasion
Saturday Songsuasion presents the best of Colbie Caillat
This morning’s amazing talent hails from Malibu, California as a self-proclaimed singer, songwriter, and acoustic guitarist. She made her debuted…
February 07, 2015
Saturday Songsuasion
#SaturdaySongsuasion featuring a “rock and roll band with horns” @chicagotheband
Good-morning kittens & dawgs! Yesterday’s Flashback Friday memories of my school days reminded me of the music I enjoyed. One…