Tag: photos
March 10, 2014
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings #18
Last week, I was introduced to a new blogger through a Facebook friend who happens to live in my own…
February 28, 2014
Skywatch Friday
Skywatch Friday: Knoxville National Cemetery
For the last weekend in February, the weather felt glorious with spring-like temperatures on Sunday. DH and I enjoyed knocking…
February 05, 2014
Wordless Wednesday
A Foggy day on the BRPKY
In March 2011, we ventured a day trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway. We got on the parkway in the…
December 04, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
Christmas in the Smokies
The Smoky Mountain foothills’ communities are hosting their annual Winterfest now through the end of February 2014. Here are just…
April 10, 2013
Wayback Wednesday
A new day
I captured the above picture south of Atlanta or Macon Georgia the morning of March 17th on our way to…