Big Buck Fever


Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  Before we hit the dance floor let me say a word of thanks the attempt on President Trump’s life at the rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday failed. MSM concealed the assassination attempt in their headlines about the incident which is appalling.  The assailant was killed by the secret service.  Trump’s right ear was hit.  Rising to his feet surrounded by secret service agents, a photo showed blood on the right side but he appeared fine otherwise. I’m so happy God had His hand upon President Trump! 

Moving on now, this week’s theme is songs that make you think of sports or other outdoor activities

Tomorrow would’ve been my daddy’s 86th birthday.  I’m taking this week’s music prompt to celebrate his life.  One of the things he enjoyed doing was deer hunting.  I liked the music video of the next song and while Daddy didn’t hunted with a bow, still it made me think of his love for the sport but really it was more than a sport because each kill was food for the table.  He loved venison! 




I don’t recall Daddy having any interest in football, baseball, or basketball.  I wonder if he thought of hunting as a sport?  

Now, it’s your turn, what music moves you?





This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


Happy Birthday Daddy! 

Forest scene with two deer on your right and a little bear on the left, originally created with Procreate. This is a Brushstrokes recreation. App settings oil 5, saturation ash, canvas illustration.




Here are my responses to this past Friday’s Friendly Fill-ins (link in side bar). 

1. It would be nice to be a millionaire for a day. 
2. The older I get, the more I appreciate life.
3. I like to decorate notes with doodles and scribbles.
4. You’ll often find a coffee cup on my kitchen counter.



I love comments but while I’m on a blogging break I encourage you if you can to click the “like” button or leave an emoji in comments instead.  That’s all I need to know that you stopped by.  Have a boogietastic week!


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