Tag: old photos
August 19, 2020
Thursday Art Date, Wild Wednesdays
1999 picture memories of Perseid Meteor Shower & sunrise hike to Clingmans Dome summit with this week’s ‘Night Scene’ #art sketch
A good portion of my summer spent tucked indoors because of the pandemic I put to good use. I took…
July 17, 2015
Friday Fun Stuff
Today, I celebrate the small things in my life. I celebrate getting my Sotopelle Therapy (HRT pellet inserts) earlier in…
July 10, 2015
Flashback Friday
She’s pretty as a picture
You may remember me telling you that my in-laws are pack rats. The above photo is of my darling…
July 03, 2015
Flashback Friday
The bicycle is a good invention
Last week, I wanted to feature a photo of my late MIL with the anniversary of her passing on the…
June 26, 2015
Flashback Friday
Lazy Daisy memories
On the bank side of my in-laws yard wild daisies grow. My MIL loved flowers. All around their yard beautiful…