Will You Join Me In Prayer?

This morning, as I made my round of blog readings, I happened upon Lynnette Kraft’s blog @ Dancing Barefoot on weathered ground. There she had a gentle plea for us to remember her dear friend.

September is 38 weeks pregnant and is due to deliver most any day.  She has met some serious anemia problems which required iron infusions three times a week.  As a mother, this tears at my heart. I know how she must feel to be concerned, as she wonders if the precious cargo will make it safely to her arms.  September’s faith is strong, but being human one can sense the unknowing gnawing at her spirit.  She needs to be embraced by others’ loving prayers.

I want to encourage you to click on Lynnette’s link above where she will direct you to September’s blog.   Allow God to minister to her through your words, as you kindly leave this mother a message of hope and compassion.   Will you join me in prayer?

Thank you so much,.Save


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