Tag: memories
January 21, 2021
Thursday Art Date
Games People Play #music #artprompt
Thinking about Rain’s art prompt my mind went to the old song, Game People Play. That’s not what Rain is…
September 16, 2020
Wild Wednesdays
Flashback 1987 Thunder Hole #AcadiaNationalPark
Over the summer I spent a lot of time scanning old photographs from our family volume of albums. It’s a…
August 19, 2020
Thursday Art Date, Wild Wednesdays
1999 picture memories of Perseid Meteor Shower & sunrise hike to Clingmans Dome summit with this week’s ‘Night Scene’ #art sketch
A good portion of my summer spent tucked indoors because of the pandemic I put to good use. I took…
February 07, 2019
Thankful Thursday, Writing Prompt
One Childhood Snow Day Memory
Every Wednesday, Kat Bouska author of Mama’s Losin’ It posts six questions prompting her readers to choose, create, and link…
November 02, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
Memories of Thanksgiving – My Childhood
Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! Thanksgiving is only weeks away. I thought I’d share a new series “Memories of…