Tag: media
January 10, 2020
Friday Fun Stuff
The Devil Made Me Do It
I sat on this partially done post for a long time and didn’t know when to use it so this…
May 31, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Giggles & Friendly Fill-ins
A week zipping by lightning fast is one thing, but where did May go? Good grief, the days literally disappear…
January 18, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Friday Loading…Please Wait & More Random #Humor
Well, we’re past the half-way mark for the month. The weekend is here once again. I’m very happy because this…
January 11, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
God has a sense of humor
Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! I always said God has a sense of humor. The proof is clear when…
January 04, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Friday Sillies 2019 New Year’s laughs
Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! Another year and week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m…