2019 The Little Mermaid #Art sketch series ‘MAX’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today. If you’re looking to boogie with me on the 4M dance floor or to cast your vote in the mid-month round of Battle of the Bands (BoTB), then click HERE.  

We’re entering week three of the A to Z Challenge.  If you missed previous posts in my Little Mermaid Artsketch series or this is your first time here, then you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞


Today’s alpha-prompt is ‘M’.  Inspired by this Pinterest image, I created my illustration of Prince Eric’s moppy top canine, Max.

The Little Mermaid is full of humorous lines geared for an older audience. I’m sure our young daughters didn’t quite get just how funny this film was until years later but to give you an example.  After Ariel sees Prince Eric up close from the ships’ deck, she tells Scuttle how handsome he is but being the birdbrain that he is gets confused thinking she’s talking about Max.  This is what Scuttle says this to Ariel.

“I dunno, he looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me.”

Max bears a strong likeness to a sheepdog who makes a number of cameos in the Thunderbolt audition and 101 Dalmatian Twilight scene.

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #art sketch theme. M is for MAX. #pencildrawing[/tweetthis]

I have appointments this morning, so I’m away in Blogosphere.  You’re invited to find more alphabet fun with my fellow AtoZers.  Don’t forget to leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy






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