Why it is important to get enough #sleep to help with #weightloss & #BOTBresults

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I am tired this morning, but I not too tired to forget to announce my #BOTBresults.  My last installment of the band show-down was totally lopsided, swinging heavily in favor of the Jamaican reggae duo consisted of Vernon Buckley and Gladstone Grant known as The Maytones!

On a scale from 1-10 (the higher the number, the greater your fondness is), how well do you like reggae?

Who is your favorite reggae artist/band?

Sample a taste of The Maytones Greatest hits while you visit me this morning and don’t forget the next round of BOTB will be on February 1st.

I read an interesting article on four ways your body blocks weight loss. I was aware of each point listed and had a general understanding.

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This brings me to the point of today’s post, have you ever wondered why it is important to get enough sleep to help with weight loss?

Giving your body proper rest produces the brain’s neurotransmitters called serotonin. This essential chemical regulates mood, sleep, and body temp. If you’re not getting enough, then you experience intense cravings for simple carbs and sweet. Why? Carbs help produce serotonin. The down side is it often times means weight gain.

The horrible thing with having neurotransmitter imbalance is the heightened pleasure of and overpowering desire for carbs is almost impossible for many to resist. That being said, I can say from personally experience while I’m certain this little neurotransmitter isn’t out of balance, I find it very difficult to stay away from sugary snacks, especially chocolate when I don’t get enough sleep.

It’s true, we all suffer with some sort of sleep issue a little or a lot. However, the key is keeping the serotonin at a healthy level in your body.  I stumbled across 10 Quick Tips to Boost Your Serotonin and Understanding Our Bodies: Serotonin, The Connection Between Food and Mood that’s worth reading.

Taking a mid-morning or early afternoon nap might be the ticket needed to increase my serotonin and cut my munchies!


That’s it for this time. I’m gropping around trying to find the direction and inspiration for my blog. Change is slow, but I’ll get there eventually. Until tomorrow, I will see you won’t I?, have a wonderful Thursday! 😉

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