Blah to Hooray…Random Tuesday Thoughts

Sunset from Mt. Mitchell on Blue Ridge Parkway

Yesterday was…a bit off for me.  I got up and was ready to begin my day.  My darling hubby got up and felt blah with a terrible headache.  Poor dear had to take a day of leave and throwing my routine for a loop a tad, but that’s okay.  I don’t mind at all.  I loved having another full day with my best friend and the opportunity to take care of him. Does this mean, I get a do over? I mean a Monday do over?

I managed to squeak in one blog post yesterday I’m in the Spotlight…Monday’s Music Moves Me.  This is one of my favorite weekly memes to participate in followed by Stacy’s RTT, which leaves me wondering what do I ramble about? For all those groovin’ to yesterday’s TV theme songs this is why I was a day late visiting your blog and trust me, I visited everyone.

You’re absolutely going to love this.  My husband’s birthday was over the weekend. Everything was perfect. I made his favorite cake – dark chocolate with vanilla frosting, and put numbers five and three on top because it’s his 53rd birthday, right? Anywho…on Sunday, we were running errands and here is a smidgen of our conversation….

Robin said, “How old am I again?”

“53!” I can see he’s doing the math in his head. “You were born 1959 and this is 2011.” I quickly did the math. “Holy cow, you’re NOT 53, you’re 52!” I smack myself in the forehead and in search of a rock to crawl beneath. Later on, I told him next year he can simply say, I really don’t feel a year older. I’m glad I didn’t take a picture of his cake.

My mother’s poetry book A Dream from God is now available on Amazon.  When 2006 rolled in, God called Mom to write poems.  She had not done anything like this before.  I believe the Lord was preparing my mother for things to come.

In June of that year, my baby brother died.  He celebrated his 40th birthday two months earlier. This rocked my world upside down is an underestimate of how I felt, not to mention the rest of the family. My daddy just about couldn’t hold things together with the loss of his best buddy…his son. My sister was going through a particularly rough period in her life and my brother’s death only compounded her grief  causing her to make some bad choices. God messaged the creative side of mom’s mind to express the things on her heart through pen and paper.  This became her release for healing, I believe.

Mom’s quaint collection of poems come from life’s inspiration — her faith in Christ and her love of family.  Allow me to share one of her pieces.

Preparing For A Vacation
(Time to Vacate)
Joetta Hagerman Roberts
(c) 2011
This morning I was awakened with a sense to vacate.
Time was running out and I had no time to wait.
I had to check my affairs to see if everything was in order
Then I world be free to leave this border.
I checked to see if I had sought God in prayer
And ask for forgiveness where needed anywhere.
I checked to see if the fruit of the Spirit had been working
In my life (Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness,faith,
Meekness,and temperance) only to find I had a few things
I had to do to meet the task.
One of those was long-suffering, so I knew I must patiently
Wait to seek God face to face.
Now, time is getting closer there’s no time to delay
Speak to some lost soul and tell him “The Way.”
Now as I plan for my vacation to depart from this place
I know I will meet Jesus and live in His Estate.
Where there is no misunderstanding and no hate.

Ask your local bookstore carry her book, they can contact here publisher, Publish America (link broken – removed), for details.

Hooray, Mom on a job well done!

Thanks Stacy for leading us in the rebellion with Random Tuesday Thoughts.

Have a terrific Tuesday!Save



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