Through my weakness, God makes me strong

This past Monday’s daily Bible study, Christina Fox was spot on with how I’ve felt a million times over whenever things are out of my hands. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is health, finances, … the struggles are real, the hurt is real, the burden is overwhelming. These things can swallow you up.  How can my weakness, be my strength?  Maybe, it’s me finding who I am through God’s grace. Paul, author of 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 understood things pertaining to the flesh and how it’s in these difficult times we find ourselves lifting our eyes more to God. It shouldn’t be like that but we’re human. We want to fix it. The reality is God is always in control. He just lets us flounder around until we get too tired to battle it on our own without success. Maybe, we won’t get what we want just like Paul but hopefully we’ll see what Paul saw, God’s glory shining through us.  I hope I can be such an example in my weakness.  Christina’s prayer is encouraging, reminding me that Christ is my foundation and my refuge.  Now if only I’d raise my eyes a little sooner to call on He who calms the waters and fills me with hope that tomorrow will be better or at the very least give me peace. Don’t drown in your weakness. Let Jesus rise you up and use your weakness to bring Him honor and give you strength to withstand life’s storms.


Sunset over the Blue Ridge Parkway near Mt. Mitchell State Park from 2012


Plumb’s song, “Need You Now” couldn’t be a better fit!


Tomorrow is Presidents Day. DH has the day off.  I won’t be around to boogie tomorrow on the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor with songs that tell a story but I will ready to join the party on Tuesday Have a songsational Sunday!  x💋x💋, Cathy

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