Grace Will Lead Me Home

Image by geralt at Pixabay; Scripture Bible Tool Studies

I hope this finds you doing well.  Over the years, life’s burdens weighed on my shoulders like a boulder. There were times when I felt all alone and that God wasn’t near but I held onto His promise from His word that He is with me always. Having sheer blind faith in what my human eyes can’t see, but relying solely on my heart’s compass toward Jesus’ light is powerfully rewarding and it allows me to witness miracles. My God is an awesome God!

Is your world crumbling? Are you drowning in debt, consumed by addiction, or broken by illness?  There’s nothing my heavenly Father can’t do. Turn everything over to Him, you won’t be sorry that you gave Him charge of your worries.

Grace Will Lead Me Home
David Dunn
There is a place prepared for me
More beautiful than eyes have seen
When these burdens weigh me down
I won’t lose heart, I will not doubt
Grace will lead me home
Grace will lead me home
Through every trial I have come
Only Your grace will lead me home
There is an end to suffering
Where I will rest in perfect peace
In the presence of the King
My eyes will see what I’ve believed
Grace will lead me home
Grace will lead me home
Through every trial I have come
Only Your grace will lead me home
Lead me home, yeah
When I’ve been there ten thousand years
And Mercy’s dried off every tear
My debt was paid but still I’ll owe
My life to Grace who led me home
Grace will lead me home
Grace will lead me home
Grace will lead me home
Grace will lead me home
Through every trial I have come
You were the shelter through every storm
God you were with me all along
Only your grace will lead me home
Only your grace will lead me home
Lead me home, lead me home, lead me home

I’ll see you tomorrow on the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor with ‘your choice song picks’. Have a blessed Sunday afternoon! x💋x💋, Cathy

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