
This year, the Easter Bunny can’t make his rounds and there won’t be any egg hunts or other fancy gatherings but I’m here to tell you Easter in NOT canceled!

Easter is a 24/7 experience just like Christmas is for a Christian. We don’t have to have a date stamped on the calendar to tell us of the glorious birth or the miraculous resurrection of our Savior. We feel His love, His power, His all, because He is ALIVE!

Spread the good news, Jesus is alive!

The restraints we’re under is temporary and this virus outbreak will pass. God doesn’t want us to do anything foolish. We don’t need to gather to feel His presence. He is with us always no matter where we are. Enjoy your Easter from the safety of your home, my friend. 

Please keep a good bloggy friend’s family in prayer. Her autistic BIL was hospitalized last week with pneumonia and diagnosed with COVID-19. I’ll keep you updated as I learn anything new. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Tomorrow, I’ll be back for Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor with Fool’ song titles or lyrics and a new art sketch in my A to Z Challenge this month. Have a blessed Easter! x💋x💋, Cathy

In Thursday’s post, I shared my original pencil sketch. I used Procreate to bring my illustration alive in color and in Pixelmator Pro I used the Light Leak Arcturus effect highlighting Christ’s glorious ascension
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