The Light In Me #BrandonHeath

I hope this finds you doing well. We’re still chillaxing, enjoying the weekend together as usual.  Today’s song feature reminds me that Jesus is the light in me and no matter what surrounds me, I need to not only to look to Him but let other see Him through me.

“The Light In Me”

My life before You
I was a flame burning down
I was burning out

But You knew me better
For You there was never a doubt
Not since You gave me life
Something was different, I knew it the instant
You put the light in me

The spark, the shot to the heart
You are the hope that leads me out of the dark
You let Your love shine down
So that the world could see
You put the light in me

The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me

You are the Maker, you tell the sun when to rise
I’m just a house on a hill
But You make me brighter than all the stars in the sky
Keep me from growing dim

‘Cause in Your perfection, I’m just a reflection
So pull me closer to You I’ll catch like a fire and I’ll hold You higher
‘Cause You put the light in me

This spark is shot to the heart
You are the hope that leads me out of the dark
You let Your love shine down
So that the world could see
You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me

I’ll raise it high, I’ll let it show
From the rooftops down to streets below
In day and night, You will be known
And all will see
You put the light in me ‘
Cause You put the light in me

This spark is shot to the heart
You are the hope that leads me out of the dark
You let Your love shine down
So that the world could see
You put the light in me

The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me
The light, You put the light in me

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope the new week ahead is better than the week before. I’ll be finishing up my A2Z art sketch series this week so you’ll find a new illustration in my Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me post and if you’re around then come boogie to  some ‘angel songs’ spinning on the turntable. Have a blessed Sunday afternoon! x💋x💋, Cathy

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