Tag: humor
November 11, 2011
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies #5
The weekend is here. Technically not for some, but I celebrate the fact that my weekend has kicked off. There…
November 04, 2011
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies #3
It’s Friday, Friday! Whoo-hoo, are you ready for the weekend? Normally, I’d be jumping for joy and inside I am.…
November 02, 2011
Wednesday Hops
Wednesday Hodgepodge & Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch
It’s mid-week, why not laugh a little, right? I couldn’t resist and hope you enjoyed the funny. What brings me…
October 28, 2011
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies #2
Dogs…man’s best friend! A friend sent me an email earlier in the week featuring this YouTube video. Let me introduce…
October 21, 2011
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies
Don’t deny it, we’ve all worked hard this week. Give yourself a little pat on the back. Doesn’t that feel good? Hey,…
September 29, 2011
Friday Fun Stuff
Why Do We Hiccup?
My son commented the other day, “Every time I eat spicy foods, I’ll hiccup for a few minutes.” I thought…
August 03, 2011
Wednesday Hops
From Chats on the Farmhouse Porch to Wayback Wednesday
“The only reason people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.” unknown Patrice created a new weekly meme, which…