Winter at Mingus Mill #WW @ImagesByCW

Hello, kittens & dawgs! Here it is the first Wednesday of a new month. I’m thrilled with March’s arrival and am eager for spring to usher in soon. I can’t believe how quickly 2015 is moving. Just think about it, it’s hump-day already! This week is half-way over and as the old saying goes, it’s all down hill the rest of the way.

In recent years, I shared photos of Mingus Mills, but during different seasons. I have not photographed this area in the winter before now. The sky clearly shows the lovely weather and although the temps were mild with the sun beginning to shift farther west the air felt nippy near the water.

Click to enlarge. It really makes a difference!

Just over my left shoulder there is a peaceful path, but we have not walked it. Perhaps before the return of the busy tourism season we can take a little stroll to see where it goes. It was too cold to do it on this day, but I did get a few more shots of the mill.

We were the only people there, other than another couple and their dog.

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I converted the original image to B&W. It captures the coldness surrounding the mill on this February day.
A different view of the water spilling over the channel, but in color. Which do you like the best, this one or the one before?

Yep, we definitely will need to go back, if nothing else to take more pictures. I just love this spot!

Sending a round of applauds and cheers to this week’s featured photographer…


Congratulations, Claudia! Please, show some blog love by visiting today’s featured photographer and leave a sweet comment.

You might consider these #WW communities today while making your daily visits. Thank you for stopping by. Have a foto-tastic day!

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