Tag: funnies
January 25, 2015
Sunday Sillies
#SundaySillies: Gym & Stupidity #humor
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! The weekend is winding down. I hope it’s been a good one for you and you’re…
January 18, 2015
Sunday Sillies
Sunday Sillies: Outhouse #humor
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! How’s your weekend going? I’m having a good one and we have an extra long one…
January 11, 2015
Sunday Sillies
Sunday Sillies: New Year’s Resolutions #humor
Good-morning, kittens & dawg! How did the first full week of the new year go for ya? We had some…
December 21, 2014
Sunday Sillies
Santa and Reindeer humor
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs? What’s got you smiling? I’m happy…well, just because. I have no reason to not wear this…
December 14, 2014
Sunday Sillies
Another year, another birthday. What?!
Good-morning, my lovelies! How are y’all doing? Let me start off by saying…today we are celebrating 19,345 days (you can…