Tag: friendship
January 10, 2020
Friday Fun Stuff
The Devil Made Me Do It
I sat on this partially done post for a long time and didn’t know when to use it so this…
May 31, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Giggles & Friendly Fill-ins
A week zipping by lightning fast is one thing, but where did May go? Good grief, the days literally disappear…
January 18, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Friday Loading…Please Wait & More Random #Humor
Well, we’re past the half-way mark for the month. The weekend is here once again. I’m very happy because this…
January 04, 2019
Friday Fun Stuff
Friday Sillies 2019 New Year’s laughs
Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! Another year and week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m…
December 14, 2018
Friday Fun Stuff
Friday Sillies 2018 Christmas Edition 2
Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! This is a short work week for DH but oh, man, was it…