4M & BOTB Results Mash-up

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!


This week’s theme is whatever music moves you, but before I cue up this week’s music selection, let me share with y’all how last week’s BOTB.  In that showdown, I used If by Bread because that was the song sung at our wedding.  I featured two unknown artists Shane Ericks and Haley Johnsen. The votes swung heavily in favor of Shane and originally I thought I’d give her my vote but after listening to both covers this week, I Haley’s version clenched the steal.  Unfortunately, my vote didn’t help her.  Shane took the “Golden Mic” award with a victorious win!


Recapping how the votes fell….

for Shane – Debbie, Mary, Terry, John, Mimi, Nancy, Eugi, Diedre, Birgit

for Haley – Stephen, Ellen, Me


Thank you for making the making this a fun battle! I hope to continue putting up a BOTB while on break, if all goes well then you’ll find my next one the first of next month, but if not then you  know I got too involved with other things and I’ll try to give you the heads up in my last post of each month. 


This week, I’m sharing more from April 1st BOTB winner, a new discovery that I felt deserved more attention.  Today I’m sharing with you Rick Price’s Soulville YT playlist. Click play and kick back to enjoy the sound!





What music moves you? To join the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


Today my little sister is 54 years young.


The song that caught my ear the year my sister was born is Julie, Do Ya Love Me. It spent 15 weeks on US Billboard Hot 100 chart that summer and to answer the burning question, no this is not her name. 



It’s also our 45th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary DH! You’re the greatest and best thing that ever happened to this gal.  I made DH a home cooked meal with a special cake.  Having a quiet celebration for two is best!

This Precious Moments figurine is called “Bless You Two” ©1982 Jonathan & David. DH recently bought the collectible for me in an antique store. I have it sitting surrounded with other anniversary presents on display.




I’m doing things different this summer and since I’m posting only once a week, anytime I have new artwork to share, I will include it at the bottom of my post.  While I love comments, it makes it difficult to truly to keep up with everyone while I’m taking a blog break so I encourage you to click the “like” button instead.  That’s all I need to know that you stopped by.  Have a boogietastic week!



A recreation of my original 2020 “staying together” Procreate design, then I used Brushstrokes (Gloss 2 paint stroke and exposure adjustments)
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