Friday Sillies: #Parenting #humor

Good morning, my lovelies! For those feeling a bit weary of parenthood. Welcome to the club! The good news is these are fleeting years. One day, you’ll look back, laugh, and wonder…how on earth did I survive?

To keep your sanity in check while combating the chaos known as home life, pour a cup of coffee, relax, and laugh-out-loud with this morning’s dose of medicine on Parenting.








Finishing things up today, here’s my response to Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun statements.

  1. I love staying up late on the weekends,  except when I need to get up early the next day.
  2. I can’t stand idiots or stupid people in general when I annoyed I have less than patience than usual with them.
  3. I used to have three kiddos under our roof,  but now we have an empty nest. I remember thinking this day would never come. Now, that it’s here I miss having my house full.
  4. I If I could I would do is relax with a cup of tea and good conversation with a good friend all day.

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!



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