Good-day Kittens and Dawgs! Time sorta got away with me and it was impossible to get a post together today and I apologize for not being on top of my game. Also, I wanted you to know I’m planning a blog hiatus beginning October 1st. I have some posts scheduled to launch, like my BoTB and not-so Wordless Wednesday. I will link up with a few regular hops, do return visits, and respond to comments left on my site. Other than that, I’m taking a breather unless I get sucked back into the whole Blogosphere goings-on like I did the last time I tried to walk away temporarily. lol
I hope you’ll join me on October 18th. I’m taking an interesting direction in digging up stuff on those one-hit wonder artists in my next edition of Whatever Happened to… series!
This is a little hint for you! ?
Please join me tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday!