Merry Christmas #4M & Christ’s Presence #Sparks

Hoo-Hoo-Hoo! Merry Christmas, Kittens and Dawgs! I seriously doubt many of y’all will find time to boogie today and that’s purrfectly fine by me. Enjoy it, spend time with the family but if you are here whenever that may be, we are groovin’ all month-long to Christmas tunes and  I invite you step on the floor with my dance partners:  XmasDolly, Stacy, & Colette!

Are you ready to groove to some mewsic? In keeping with my Christmas Songs Name Spelling I thought this one is ideal for this morning…C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S!



Hey, I know I stretched a bit on this name choice but Christ is part of Christmas so it’s an excellent work around for my theme after all Christ is what Christmas is all about! 😀

What Christmas mewsic moves you?

This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you. Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!



I invite you hop over to McGuffy’s Reader for more “Sparks” of inspiration/encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1! 😉


I’m updating this post to reflect a new hop, Share Your World, hosted by Cee’s Photography that I’d like to incorporate into my routine. This is my first attempt and hopefully it won’t be my last. Here’s another chance to get to know me a wee bit better. 😉

What caring thing are you going to do for yourself today? The best way I know to care for myself is to do something I enjoy and here lately that’s been sketching. Thanks to DH for the Apple Pencil he got me for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, I’m having lots of fun every day doodling on my iPad. It’s an amazing little gadget!

List at least five of your favorite spices? (excluding salt and pepper)

Here’s my list not necessarily in order of importance.

  1. cinnamon
  2. clove
  3. nutmeg
  4. cummin
  5. cilantro

Now, isn’t that I named all “C” spices and coincidentally the first letter of my name. 🙂

What can you always be found with? You’ll always find my iPhone with me most of the time unless I’m cleaning the house and at that moment when I lay it aside is often when I miss a call from one of my children.  Can you tell me how it they do this every time?

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week? I not only appreciate but feel inspired every time I see Christmas lights. We visited the western North Carolina mountain communities on Friday and some of those tiny towns were really decked for the holiday!


Keep those tunes playing and your body swaying, I’ll see ya around the cyber block eventually but for now I’m just chillaxing with DH! Merry Christmas, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy

Please forgive the newness of my movie creating skills. If you’re on FB then you’ve seen a similiar one to this but for those who haven’t. I created this on my iPad using the Procreate app and Apple Pencil to sketch the wintry artwork scene; then added it to iMovie on my computer add the text and voice recording for my Christmas wish to you!  😉





























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