Climax Blues Band

A flashback memory from 1991 for Awww Mondays, hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus, of DD#2 strangling…I mean holding Tuffy

Good day, dear friends! How was your weekend? I hope you treated yourself well.  Ours was very nice.  Our son and his wife and the two of us spent Friday through Sunday in Asheville, North Carolina. On Saturday we toured Biltmore Estates.  The last time we were there was 2008. We had a blast.  Watch for a future post filled with photos to spring up soon.  😉

Here it is once again Monday and this week’s music theme is whatever music moves you! I was inspired to share today’s featured band when my link checker pointed to an old post that needed attention.  The set of songs I put up in that 2013 post only two of them I remember, so I thought it would be fun to listen to newer songs.  Turn your volume up and plug into the bluesy vibes of Climax Blues Band
Borrowed playlist from CBB’s YT channel. The album released in 2019.



Hands of Time is a nice collection of songs.  I listened to the mellow tracks while making biscuits one afternoon. In my opinion, it was the perfect music to accompany me in the kitchen.  Their style is so much different from their earlier works. Had I not known this is the band that I shared in that long ago post, I’d swear it two different groups. I definitely am going to go through more Climax Blues Band playlists on YouTube.  I hope you enjoyed the playlist as much as I did!


This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”. The party co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin!



A Song For You Results

It’s time to report the outcome of last week’s BOTB.  If you’re following comments or voted late in the game then it won’t come as a shock to learn Christina Aguilera pretty much pummeled Whitney Houston in this battle in a 7 to 3 victory. Ouch, right? 

This is how the votes fell…

Votes for Christina – Tom, Stephen, Birgit, Lee, Brian, Debbie, and Mimi.  Votes for Whitney – John, Ellen, and Diedre. 

In this battle I learned most of you aren’t huge Whitney fans (me, either) but what many didn’t like was the melody arrangement – too disco-y.  Some noted that Christina was a bit over the top but that’s the way she’s been like… forever but  still preferred her cover.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if female powerhouses just let their beautiful voices do the job without the theatrics? I believe we have a greater chance of seeing a pig fly than to see this change. 

Thanks for making it a fun battle. Watch for my mid-month BOTB on the 15th.  Meanwhile, I invite y’all to come back on Wednesday for another edition from my Maine photo memories series.  I’m closing things with one of my favorite songs by Christina.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

 I have no clue who said this but felt it the perfect Sparks to share….

Be a pineapple stand tall wear a crown and be sweet.






















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