I Call You Friend and 7 Characteristics of a true friend

Friends are an important part of our lives.  We naturally migrate to others seeking love, acceptance, support, comfort, and kinship.

From grade school through high school, a parade of faces passed through my life.  Surprisingly, many of those friends I have reconnected with after many lost years through the world-famous social networking of Facebook.  Sometimes, friends fade completely out of my life.  I don’t count them any less of a friend, just ones that have gone MIA.  Maybe one day our paths will meet and we can reconnect broken ties.

Unfortunately, I have had friends who really weren’t my friends at all.  These people were two-faced liars who back stabbed me.  It was my ‘true’ friends who came to my rescue in pointing out the wolf in sheep clothing.  Call me ignorant, naïve, or clueless, but never call me unfaithful.  These life experiences have taught me to not trust people, but to exercise caution.
What is a true friend?  You’ll recognize a true friend if you spot these characteristics in her.

  • A true friend is loyal, hanging with you through the thick and thin while others walk away.
  • A true friend is non-judgemental having an understanding heart and unspoken creed which serves to remind her of, “How could my friend help me best if I were in her shoes?”
  • A true friend is your cheerleader, always quick to offer the encouragement and support you need.
  • A true friend is honest, she’ll tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
  • A true friend always watches out for you, she’ll let you know when something isn’t in your best interest and will try to safeguard you from bad choices.
  • A true friend respects who you are, never asking you to change but loves you despite your differences.
  • A true friend listens not only with her ears, but her heart and then offers inspiration and strength.

Not everyone is fortunate to find true friends. In fact, it’s difficult for some to know how to pick a real friend without disappointment when the friendship fails.  I stumbled upon this interesting Bible study on friendship that offers hope and encouragement called  10 Top Characteristics of a True Friend.

“A friend loveth at all times…”
Proverbs 17:17


Friendships can be spawn through different encounters: pen palling, social networking, blogging, or a perchance meeting. Some of the dearest women I know are those who I have never met face-to-face, but yet, I call you friend!





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