Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays! This week’s theme is songs about your country, government, national pride, …. ! Here in the US, we’re facing another presidential election which inspired my song collection. Some of my song picks may seem outdated but honestly the issues that inspired the lyrics still remain relevant.
Folks get upset during the election season. I don’t like nasty politics but what I really hate is the destruction of our country. The enemy uses the weak minded, easily bought, and illegals in this great land to tear her apart within which is slowly bringing America to ruins on many levels. Think of the TV series The Americans and you can see if for yourself.
We need a President who respects God. Better still one who serves the Almighty. We need a President who protects Americans. Secure our borders and stand against countries that threaten our way of life.
We need a President who places importance on the traditional family, not afraid to say killing babies is wrong, or that you are what you at birth.
Sadly, we’ve come to the point where voicing different views brings harsh criticism or worse. I remember as a kid thinking how neat it was that we could say anything we wanted without being afraid compared to government controlled countries on the other side of the world. I never thought I’d live to see this sort of thing in our country, but I am.
Okay nuff said.
Remember music themes are only suggestions. I don’t care one way or another. The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!
Have a boogietastic week!