
Voice [n] is the sound we produce in our larynx. What’s that? No, I didn’t say Lorax. I said larynx.

This is a larynx.

And this is a Lorax.


There’s a huge difference between the two. Are we clear now? Good, shall I continue? Thank you! Voice, as I was saying is the sound we produce in our larynx and transmitted from our mouth as speech or song.

In memory of an icon – Dick Clark, let’s walk down memory lane and listen to some great voices featured on the iconic TV show, American Bandstand.

Voice [v] means to express oneself in words. Our first amendment rights offer us protection to speak or write to an audience on passionate matters dear to each of us. I am thankful, we can still…

voice prays openly…

or, voice our allegiance….

or, voice our opinion about the government…

or, voice our personal education styles for our children.

or, voice about whatever we please here …

Don’t ever think what you have to say is any less important than the next  person. It makes no difference if you’re left or right, the Constitution declares our rights of freedom to voice, verbally or written, ourselves.
One of the most important books ever written, in my opinion says: “Let your voice be heard…” These words can be found in God’ word in the book of Jeremiah chapter 22.
Voice was written for Miss Jenny’s weekly meme…Alphabe-Thursday where you can read more posts featuring the letter ‘V’.

1. How do you feel about exercising your first amendment right?

2. When was the last time your voice was heard on a passionate topic?Save






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