Tag: deer
June 16, 2024
Monday's Music Moves Me
Daddy Was An Old Time Preacher Man
Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays! Let me start by saying thanks to each of you for the…
October 13, 2017
Friday Fun Stuff
Funny Animal Pictures #FridaySillies
Purrs and hooowdy, kittens & dawgs! Another week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m sharing nothing…
November 04, 2014
Wordless Wednesday
Autumn splendor and surprise
Something came up, like getting time to spend with my DH for another week, so I won’t be in Blogosphere…
April 15, 2014
A-Z Challenge
Tuesday Talk Time: a montage of my life lately A2Z Challenge
Despite it raining all day, I didn’t allow those Monday blues to swallow me. Music always has a happy effect…
September 19, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
You’re a Deer Friend to Me!
Link up your favorite photo this week on one of these blog hops… I failed to…