It’s time now to venture toward the dark side…the dark side of chocolate that is. What did you think, I wigged out on you? Well… not quite. However, it is St. Valentine’s Day and with that being said, you know this post is going to be about romance.
Dark chocolate has got a lot of good hype due to its antioxidants elements which offer some health benefits. For years it’s been said dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Is this a myth or fact?
Chocolate’s originated as an aphrodisiac in the Mayan and Aztec cultures. They believed the cacao tree which bore the cacao (cocoa) beans were foods of the god. After Spanish explorers discovered the cacao beans and introduced it to Europe, the cacao bean maintained it’s love connection.
Why is chocolate associated with love? The nature properties of chocolate contain Phenylethylamine and Serotonin. These chemicals are linked to elevating the mood. Each one of us can relate to chocolate’s happiness factor, right? It always puts a smile on my face.
According to a study done by Italian researchers, people who eat chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who deny themselves of this sweet pleasure. There is still a debate in the scientific community about chocolate being an aphrodisiac, though.
Personally, I can say unequivocally chocolate is definitely a mood booster. I don’t believe it’ll turn you into a sex maniac or anything, but I find the simple act of indulging in dark chocolate in itself is romantic. This gesture along increases sexual arousal, if given the right atmosphere.
It’s Valentine’s Day, have your sweetheart to pick up some of your favorite dark chocolates and let the magic of the pleasure derived from the chocolate begin…tonight! Happy Valentine’s Day!