#BoTB results with Random Christmas Giggles

Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs!  This is DH’s off Friday, so I you won’t find me touring Blogosphere today.  Of course, I have to report on last week’s Battle of the Bands featuring The Sound of Strings for a Silent Night showdown and to share some giggles.

All three string renditions of “Silent Night” are worthy to hear and to enjoy. The first mewsical instrument, the acoustic guitar is soothing like a lullaby for the newborn King. The second, the ukulele posses an innocence quality as in the babe lying in a manger. The third, the violin is beautiful conjuring visions of angels in the heavenly sky standing watch over baby Jesus. Any and all of these are winners, there truly is no loser with your pick.  I think the one that speaks to my heart is the ukulele.

The final tally…

Rafael Scarfullery (guitar) – 3
Michael Lynch (ukulele) – 3 includes my vote
Taylor Davis (violin) – 7

The victory belongs to Taylor Davis! applauds




Are you pulling your hair out yet? The holidays can be a real hair puller, so here’s a few more Friday Sillies to break the stress, so breathe, relax, and enjoy the Christmas season! 😉


This reminds me of a comment DD#1 made after we got home from the hospital with her baby sister and she wouldn’t stop crying. She said to me, “Turn off, Mommy! Turn off!” Sorry kiddo, there’s no off switch on this baby doll. 🙂


I’m really not a Grumpy Cathy, but you gotta admit that’s funny!

That’s a wrap for now. I’ll leave you with another “Silent Night” rendition featuring the winner of Dec. 15th BoTB, Taylor Davis with the vocals performed by Home Free.



One more thing, I know many won’t be in Blogosphere including myself on Monday but I will have my “all things Christmas” edition up for anyone wishing to hit the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!


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