Singer verses Songwriter #BOTB results

WARNING, this is gonna be a longer than usual, kittens and dawgs! I am having a two for all special…again. First announcement is revealing my theme for the annual A-Z blogging challenge event (you can find me at 412 on the list) that’s sure to have us all pulling our hair out (hopefully in a good sorta way) beginning April 1st.

This is my third anniversary to take part and I decided to do something different. I’m going vintage. Originally I envisioned old magazine ads, commercials, music, gadgets, and more. Let’s just say, I’m gonna keep things loose and sorta go with the flow. Hopefully, I will delight and amaze not only you, but myself on this journey with discoveries from the past. I’m calling my theme, All Things Vintage.

Last week’s Singer Verses Songwriter #BoTB showdown I touched on the direction my April theme without hinting, but it’s obvious my song pick falls in the vintage category.  This really wasn’t much of a competition and if you guys have kept count then you already know.

I fell for Fallin’ instantly after hearing Connie Francis sexy tones and as much as I like Sedaka I by far prefer him as the songwriter over a singer. His vocals do very little for me and it was a no brainer Connie gets my vote. The singer blew the songwriter out of the water by a 14 to 3 victory. Connie Francis takes the golden mic!

A special thank you to everyone who participated. Don’t forget to see how the other showdowns played out by visiting STMcC Presents ‘Battle of the Bands’ for the list of fellow BoTBers.

Next month will be busy with the #AprilA2Z blog challenge, but I hope to roll my #BoTB posts in with the alphabet prompt and I invite y’all to come back to see what falls Fallin‘ out of my sleeve. 😉

The music doesn’t stop here, feel free to boogie with me to Testing Trisha for Musical Monday and then step out on the dance floor with the 4M crew. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with a few more songs written by Howard Greenfield and Neil Sedaka sung by the amazing Connie Francis.

This is a quick & painless way for others to find good tunes in Blogosphere by joining my no strings attached music hop. Just add your music post URL below and wha-lah… instant traffic directed to your site. Clever, eh? I thought so.

mewsic mews me



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