Cold January morn #WW

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs!  DH and I haven’t ventured to the mountains, since mid-December. Naturally Christmas preparations and activities surrounding the holiday kept me busy, but now the gray, cold days of winter bid me to stay indoors. This is a normal pattern.

That being said, I haven’t picked up my camera. I thought, why not reinvent some of my photos and went through my archives to play with using my photo-editor of choice. The cold is casting a mood in how I create.  See for yourself…

icy, snowy morning in East Tennessee
Not to worry, this isn’t our current conditions or at least I hope it isn’t! I captured this image last year. Our weather roller coaster blasts us with arctic air one minute and the next it feels like spring. It’s cold now, so I thought I’d share it with you today. I used my photo-editor of choice to amp the grey scale from this dismal day. Do you feel the chill?

This week’s featured photographer, yes, it’s back, is…

Jill @Daily Bread!

Go by to see what amazing pix she’s sharing today! Kindly include your Wordless or (not-so-wordless) Wednesday link below to join the party. It would be awesome, if you can show a little blog love by inviting your friends to join in on the fun, too! ?

Thanks for popping in and I hope you’ll decide to come back on Friday to vote in my newest edition of Battle of the Bands.

Have a fototastic day!

Disclaimer: The above is an affiliated link, this is my photo-editor of choice, and if you make a purchase using it then I will earn a few pennies. Let me say in advance, thank-you! ?

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