Tuesday Talk Time: What Makes You Unique?


Have you had your coffee? If not, then you are not awake yet to notice things are different on Curious as a Cathy. You see, I finally made the switch from Blogger to WP and if you went to my blogger blog this morning, then you were immediately redirected here. I wanted to make your life just a little easier before you had your first cup of coffee. After all, that’s what a good friend does, right?

I don’t all the desired elements in place yet, but I will get there over time. Once again, I will beg you to bear a little patience with me while I get my house in order. Just like every thing new, this is no different. I will be on a learning curve for the couple of weeks while I learn the ins and outs of  WP. However, you can speed my process up by offering suggestions, tips, and advice. I’m all ears!

Okay, it’s time to grab a cup of coffee. If we had to leave our house this morning, then you will your car keys and over-coat to head to the airport, if you expected to keep your coffee hot because my first lovely lives in Canada.  Les from Time Out For Mom prompts  us to answer the following question…

You are You, and No One Else Is Youer Than You!
What Makes You Unique?

 Wow, what makes me unique? I know every person is unique because the Master of creation designed each of us with defying characteristics and talents that are different than the next.

“…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”

~Psalm 139:14 KJV

I don’t necessarily think this makes me unique, but it is something I feel good about.  Many years ago, I once was a timid, insecure girl. Despite being told by teachers that no question was a stupid question, except those not asked. However, in my low self-esteem mind-set, I was afraid to ask anyone anything about things I knew nothing about for fear I would look just that, stupid.

Secretively, DH knew my weakness and had a plan to help me over it. He started off by giving me a simple task to most. “Call NAPA and ask if they have a rebuild kit for a cadillac converter for the Fiesta”, he would say.  He may as well said, “Can you do brain surgery today?”

Calmly, I replied, “I can’t do that!” After futile attempts in getting DH to do it himself a  near panic attack would seize my entire body, nearly paralyzing me. I begged and whined telling him over, and over again that I simply don’t know the first thing about what he wants and will botch the job.

Lovingly, he smiled, “You’ll do ok!”

It took many, many times repeating this process before I gained the confidence to not think twice about calling someone I didn’t know about a subject I knew little to nothing about for DH. I sort of have things down to a science in my info-gathering approach now. I simply tell the person I’m speaking to, “First off, let me say excuse my ignorance on this, but I don’t know what I am talking about…or I’m doing some leg work for my husband….” Either way, I am giving the person heads up that I am human, and at a disadvantage on the product that I am calling about. It always puts my mind at ease when someone acknowledges my lack of understanding and is good to help me no matter how many questions I have.

DH did two things for me with this little exercise. One, this built my self-esteem and two, it made me feel a little smarter. This was a gift to me. That wall of insecurity crumbled, and DH armed me with a valuable resource to research the unknown and learn.

Over the years, I have perfected my blood hound techniques to digging up info on a topics I know little about. Once the Internet exploded, my job to gather data got easier. I am humbled and thankful DH believed in me enough to not allow me to stay inside that cave of self-doubt.

Thankfully, Internet travels keeps us in one place as we visit those we count as dear in Blogsville. Next stop takes us to parts of New Jersey where we like to gather on Patrice’s farmhouse porch for weekly chat sessions. Usually, you’ll find that her silly horse, Wendell, likes joining in on the fun. This week’s questions are:
Everyday Ruralty

  1. What are your favorite condiments? I like simple condiments. Mayo, yellow mustard, and ketsup are my favorites.
  2. What are you reading? My favorite Tuesday meme friends blogs.
  3. What was the last dessert you had? Chocolate chip cookies that I made with splenda.
  4. Wendell would like to know if you would build him a snowman. (If you don’t have snow, just pretend. He’s not detail oriented.) Sure, I’ll make Wen a snowman. Maybe, he would like to help. We can do a paper craft progect using paper plates, card-stock, glue, and markers to build our snowman
  5. Tell me something fun or interesting. The most interesting thing I have to share at the moment is my new WP blog home. I am excited to finally make the migration from Blogger. This is something I have thought a lot about over the years and finally took the plunge. Basically, I am starting all over again. The good news is I am a wee bit wiser than I was 4-years ago.

Did someone say coffee? As luck would have it, my last stop takes us to Starbuck’s home state. It’s time to get another refill of Joe, as I click over to Stacy Uncorked. You may recall she had to put blogging on temporary hold, while she settled into her new Pacific northwest home. Well, she’s back in Blogosphere doing what she does best  ~ random musings on Random Tuesday Thoughts ! I’m gonna to join her linky party now. Wanna come with?

Have a terrific Tuesday!

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