We have reached the pinnacle of another work week – TGIF! Whoo-hoo, it’s time for a little breather, even if it’s just for a few minutes for you to grab a few laughs or to have a silly grin spread across your face melting away life’s stresses.
What made me smile this week? On Wednesday while blogging hopping NC Sue @IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING shared How NOT to get a job.
For a LOL moment, a friend recently sent us a video. Take a peek at Masculine Moments.
the Broncos trump the Patriots in the playoffs taking the AFC title and Super Bowl 48 bound. Way-to-go, Denver Broncos!
Before I skedaddle, I have a chance to play along this morning in Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun with Feeling Beachie. Hilary’s fill-ins are:
- Watching a sunrise or sunset always makes me smile inside and out.
- If one song represents how I feel right now it is Cold as Ice, but as in emotionally cold more like physically cold cause the temperature this morning is 4°. I am so ready for spring!
- In 2013 my biggest challenge was getting well after a long illness & surgery and made me appreciate the very second I began to feel better again, more like myself.
- I feel determined about making New Year’s resolutions.