Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! How’s the weekend goin’ for you? Have you ever said anything stupid? If you’re like me, then your answer is YES. The good thing is when your or I say something dumb there is no one documenting it to hold it over my heads later in life.
Okay, I take that back sometimes words come back to bite ya, especially if you’re a celebrity or politician. They do not have the luxury of stupid things said being laughed off and forgotten. Their words are recorded for all eternity.
Actually, this is kinda a good thing. I mean, we all want a good laugh now and again. Here are a few stupid things people say quotes….
What’s the stupidest, funniest thing you ever said?
That’s all for now, folks. If you have giggles to share, then we’d love to see ‘em! Until next time, keep smiling and a have laughtastic week!