Tag: celebrities
September 27, 2016
Whatever Happened to series
Special announcement
Good-day Kittens and Dawgs! Time sorta got away with me and it was impossible to get a post together today…
October 02, 2015
Flashback Friday
Rubbing elbows with Mayberry Days stars, Part 2
Hello, kittens and dawgs! It’s been a week ago today that I met celebrities from the popular TV series, The…
February 01, 2015
Sunday Sillies
Stupid things people say
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! How’s the weekend goin’ for you? Have you ever said anything stupid? If you’re like me,…
July 15, 2013
Monday's Music Moves Me
On the virtual dance floor this Monday…Hollywood celebrities!
Today we’re partying to “music videos that feature a celebrity or celebrities in them” as requested by the lovely Les…
February 07, 2013
Sexiest Lips
Lips tell the world who is hot or who is not. The mega center where sex appeal is a sizzling…