Tag: Celebrate the small
December 30, 2016
Friday Sillies
Penguin Giggles + SWF & CTST
Hello, Kittens & dawgs! This week dragged a bit since DH worked the day following Christmas. He doesn’t have any…
December 23, 2016
Friday Sillies
Christmas Giggles #humor + SWF & CTST
Merry Christmas, Kittens & Dawgs! This week zipped by like a flash. I was so busy doing this and that,…
December 16, 2016
Friday Sillies
Redneck Christmas #humor + SWF, Fill-ins, & CTST
Hello, Kittens & Dawgs! For the first time in a loooong time I can say, Thank God it’s Friday! Whoo-hoo!…
December 09, 2016
Friday Sillies
Kitty Christmas Carols #humor + SWF, Fill-ins, & CTST
Hello, Kittens & dawgs! I’m running behind. This week is the last for DH and I to spend together since…
December 02, 2016
Friday Sillies
Twisted Christmas Carols + SWF, Fill-ins, & CTST
Thank you for popping in today, Kittens & Dawgs, and Merry Christmas! Funny songs like this one always make me…