Learn as I go.

Keeping an online journal to share with millions…perhaps even billions one day is a bit daunting.  It’s so interesting to read other people’s blogs and how they seem to so easily set words on their virtual pages for all the world to read.  I feel just a wee bit like a kindergartener in this new task I’ve embarked.

A few cool things I’ve picked up today from my literary agent’s, Blue Ridge Literary Agency, yahoo group is to interview other authors on my blog, offer others to write a blog on my blog, and to promote newly published works. I like these ideas and hope to carry out them soon.

I need to build my following, but this is a difficult job. I am going at it in different directions with little results, but the good part is I’m doing something each day, instead of nothing. I suppose I’ll eventually get the knack. Wait a minute… no doubts here, I will get the hang of this! It’s just a matter of time.

I have a  small request, please share my blog with your readers. While I know I’m really new at this, I do know that the best way to get new readers is to ask you to spread the word to your audience. Word-by-mouth advertising is a solid way to increase followers and I hope you’ll help me to gain a few.
Just hit the share button endorsing my site and I’ll wait anxiously to greet newcomers to my blog. 😀

Thanks for your help, my friends!

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