Skywatch Friday Stone Mountain in the Fall

Good-morning kittens and dawgs! I’m delighted you decided to pop in for another visit. If you stopped by last week, I shared Mabry Mill in the fall and I thought I would share another fantastic sky view we enjoyed.

Stone Mountain view south of Mabry Mill at mile post 232.5

How’s your sky view shaping today?

Join other Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts, here!

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~




It’s time for Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • visiting my 93-year Father-in-Law (FIL).
  • that my 93-year FIL looks better than he did a year ago.
  • the wonderful woman, Frances, who cares for my FIL 2-days a week.

Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like to dance then I invite you to hop over this Sunday for another edition of Battle of the Bands. Thanks for visiting. Until we meet on the other side of the lens, have a fototastic day!

"P" on DSLR humor 



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