Dimples, Cow Appreciation, or Sugar Cookie National Day Inspired Song Picks & BOTB Results

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  This week’s theme is inspired on these National Day celebrations, Dimples, Cow Appreciation, or Sugar Cookie Day. 

For National Dimples Day, how about a song from the cutest dimples in Hollywood, Shirley Temple “On the Good Ship Lollipop”.


This is a bit of stretch but for Cow Appreciation Day, I thought of none other than the Cowsills, “The Rain The Park And Other Things”.


I couldn’t get into sugar cookies because that’s a Christmasy thing to me and I’m not ready to go there just yet, so instead I’m going to give you more cowbell with this playlist I created.




This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!

Here’s the 411 on how things went in last week’s BOTB showdown. I used Postmodern Jukebox different singers and song titles in this round.  I think I confused some of you because I wasn’t clear and for that I’m sorry.  I wanted to know who liked “Flowers” or “Feel It Still” the best. You may already have a good idea how the this battle went but before I reveal things, let me share who gets my vote.  I liked both songs but it ultimately it came down for me which female lead I felt was the best and that was Stella Katherine Cole singing “Flowers”.  I loved how her vocals were kept soft a lot throughout her rendition and she sounded happy telling us how she could love herself better than the original song.  My vote didn’t do anything to change the outcome and the battle tipped heavily in favor for “FEEL IT STILL” sung by Joey, Adanna, and Nina Ann.

Here’s how everyone voted.

Flowers —  Lee, Ellen, Stephen, Me (4)

Feel It Still —   Willow, Tom, Eugi, Brian, Ed, Debbie, Mary, John, Sandee, Mysticstrasse, Chris (11)

I also got one general like/vote for PMJ but not for a specific song. The voting turn out was excellent this time and I really appreciated everyone who took part.  Your participation is what makes Battle of the Bands a blast.  My October 1st showdown is postponed. We’ll be on vacation and I won’t be online until Oct 7th at the earliest.   

I wasn’t expecting to have any time to spare but I found a couple of free minutes, so I was able to borrow the Friendly Fill-ins to add my responses in the blanks.  

1.24 is a movie I would like to see.  Let me say but only if Kefir Sutherland is Jack Bauer.  There isn’t such a film but years ago there was rumor that the TV series might have a movie spin-off.  It never happened.  The closest they came was a new season, new character like Jack Bauer who wasn’t nearly as good.  Hollywood made the new character’s role less masculine and less quick to act whereas Jack Bauer paused a second before jumping into a situation full force to do whatever it took to secure our nation or his family from harm. That’s the way you make a good movie with a strong male lead.  I’m so over seeing women do unbelievable stuff. It puts real women in harm thinking they can do this stuff and it makes females look like men on/off screen.  *Insert eye roll*
2. The Louvre is a museum I would like to visit. If we win the lottery, then we definitely need to plan a trip to Paris to see some of great art works in history. That would be so amazing!
3. I’ve been complimented on my eyesDH tells me frequently that I have pretty eyes.  He’s so sweet.
4. I once got in trouble for running in the hall at school by none other than the principleThis was a rule, “No running in the hall”.  My bestie at the time and I were goofing off. She did something or I did something, which lead to me chasing after her out the door and nearly running straight into the principle.  We both had to go to the principle’s office and were reprimanded were we received a seat warming so-to-speak.  My pride was hurt more than my backside as I left the office all red face. 


Feel free to do what you want, leave an emoji or a short comment or click the “Like” button.  I’m easy going.  This will flag me of your visit.  Have a boogietastic week!



This drawing I tried sketching little Miss Dimples, Shirley Temple. I didn’t quite do it but I do have a little girl with dimples which works well for the music theme. Hopefully, I will get a chance to link this up later in the week with the FFO community.
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